2 Corinthians 12:11-21 "Insufficiencies in Corinth"

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Time together in the word of God this morning. We're going to continue our study of the book of 2nd Corinthians K last week. We began the 12th chapter of the book and this morning will look to finish out the rest of the chapter. If you have your Bibles with you this morning go ahead and make your way to 2nd Corinthians chapter 12. If you don't have a Bible with you this morning and number that shares have extra copies in the baskets underneath them feel free to reach down and borrow one of those and then once you've made your way to chapter 12 of The Book of 2nd Corinthians like to ask you just to rise to your feet and honor of God in his word as I read our texts for our time of study this morning.

Paul continuing his letter and in really beginning to wrap things up here K writes the following in chapter 12 verse 11 I've become a fool and boasting you have compelled me not to have been commended by you for nothing was I behind the most eminent Apostles though? I am nothing truly the signs of a up an apostle or accomplished among you with all perseverance and signs and wonders and mighty Deeds for what is in it for what is it in which you were inferior to other churches accept that I myself was not burdensome to you forgive me this wrong first 14th. Now for the third time, I'm ready to come to you and I will not be burdensome to you for I did not see yours, but you for the children are not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children and I will very gladly spend and be spent for your souls know the more abundantly. I love you the less I am loved. But be that as it may I did not burden you nevertheless being crafty. I caught you by cunning did I take advantage of you by any of those whom I sent to you? I heard Titus and send our brother with him. Did Titus take advantage of you. Did we not Walk In The Same Spirit to be not walk in the same steps again. Do you think that we excuse ourselves to you? We speak before God in Christ, but we do all things beloved for your edification for I fear last when I come I shall not find you such as I wish and that I shall be found by you such as you do not wish Let There Be contentions jealousies outbursts of Wrath selfish Ambitions backbiting whisperings conceits to Molt's lest when I come again, my God will humble me among you and I shall mourn for many who have sinned before and have not repented of the uncleanness. Fornication and lewdness which they have practiced. All right, we're getting into some thick stuff here. Let's pray and ask God to lead us and guide us through father. We thank you again for this morning and just a privilege that it is to be able to open up your word to hear from you Lord. We thank you that you've left us your word Lord. You have an abandon us. You've given us your word that we might read it that we might study it that we might apply it to our lives Lord that we might know you and your will for us and so Lord we submit ourselves to you and your word this morning move my daily. We ask in our mitts Lord. We also ask for my T moving of your spirit and all the other churches and chapels here and he would Kuni that are teaching your word and proclaiming the love of your son Jesus Christ do my working in through them as well this city. This place needs you and we need you Lord. So come and speak we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Amen, you can have a seat.

Have you ever been in a situation where perhaps you feel? Like? You just don't have all the details that something's missing that that something isn't adding up. Sometimes I when I read certain news articles. I am left with a feeling of not having all the information feeling like, you know, something's been left out, you know certain articles. They they want to paint a certain picture and they want to create an illusion of storage that fits their narrative, but I'm off and left with it. I sensitive just that feeling of not having all the details. I may be a bit skeptical by nature and so I feel that way sometimes actually, how can I get that way? Sometimes when counseling I was certain people as well that I hope that doesn't scare you off from Everett coming to seek counseling but you know, sometimes I'm not getting the whole story and you can kind of just feel like okay, there's there's more to this but they don't want to talk about that so you can I left with whatever, you know information they give you and you work with that. Maybe you hear about a certain situation that led people to do something that that didn't just make it didn't make a lot of sense. He there must be something else that that that's going on things don't make sense things don't add up and I feel as though Paul has gotten to that point when it comes to his relationship with the church in Corinth. Call started this church back on his second missionary journey any ended up staying with them for over 18 months and he stayed with this church more than any other on his second missionary journey invested a lot of time a lot of energy into this church. And though he experienced some opposition. Paul did not give up on them. He did not abandon them. He stayed with them and he nurtured their new-found faith in Christ left things started unraveling a bit. If you've been with us through our study of 1st Corinthians, you'll recall other people had come in and and shared with them different Ministers of the Lord in their begin to form certain division certain clicks certain factions within the church and the church began to identify with different leaders that the Lord and allow them to be ministered by the church started breaking up into these groups where people were saying what I am of Paul at While others claimed I am of Apollo's and still others and attraction. 2 Peter they claimed I am of cephas and then there were the real ye holy ones or so. They would lead us to believe that went around play me while I am of Christ. But the fact that they were being divisive and disgruntled show that they certainly were not of Christ because Christ did not come to divide his body too but to bring the body together in unity. Paul heard about this while on his third missionary journey when he was in the city of Ephesus and so he wrote to them to address some of the matters that he had heard about he wrote what we refer to as 1st Corinthians and sternly warned them against this type of divisive Behavior. You said that they were acting them and sure that they were being babies basically that they were being carnal and their divisive behavior and he also addressed a few other issues that he had heard about namely a sexual immorality that was going around the church was like, yeah, we're so open you can do whatever you know, it's okay and you won the world. Even do what you guys are doing this. And until you get dressed at with them, he address another issue where they were suing one another they were airing out their dirty laundry in public settings instead of just simply handling matters within the church and its first letter. You also answer to number of questions the church had about marriage about Christian Liberties about the worship service and communion about spiritual gifts in about the offering that Paul was gathering for the church in Jerusalem Paul wrote that letter with the hope and intention at the church would heat is instruction. They would begin to really mature and their walk with the Lord that they would quit that divisive behavior and grow in the areas that he instructed them. Well, Evidently not all received Paul's letter with great enthusiasm. They some heated is instructions, but still others were obstinate they continue to cause problems and we're told that Paul was basically forced to take a quick visit to Corinth while he was staying in Ephesus. Now, this visit is not recorded in the book of Acts. What is mentioned in Paul's letter as a sorrowful visit. It was a visit where Paul had to come and he had to rebuke those who are not heating his instructions who were who were continuing in sin. And then after that visit Paul wrote a very emotional letter to the church in Corinth a letter that we don't have a copy of but again, we have reference to it in this letter that we refer to as 2nd Corinthians, which technically I guess should be called forth Corinthians cuz I think this is probably the fourth letter based upon different readings of different portions of scripture. We come to that but anyways Earlier in Chapter 2 Paul spoke of how it was out of much Affliction and anguish of heart that he wrote to the church with many tears not wanting to grieve the church, but rather as a way for people to express his love toward them. This letter was sent by the hand of Paul's travel companion and fellow servant of the Lord Titus Titus delivered the letter eventually reported back to Paul that many have responded favorably towards his letter but that there was still a minority that were being influenced by some outside people claiming to be Apostles of the Lord and having with them letters of recommendation letters of commendation and these so-called Apostles. They spoke ill of Paul and they were spreading all sorts of lies and accusations against Paul and unfortunately had gained the ears of a certain group within the church and much of what 2nd Corinthians deals with revolves around Paul having the deal with these accusations and to combat the lies that are being spread about His heart was to get through to them so that they may see for themselves the truth of the matter and once and for all rid themselves of those that had come in and we're stirring up trouble. Paul has constantly desired nothing but God's best for the church in Corinth. He has poured so much of his time in his energy and his resources in the ministry to these people into this church and he wrote several letters to the church in Corinth. You visited the church in Corinth. He needed help. He seemingly has poured more time and energy into districts and any other of the churches then he planted and here at the end of this letter we know as 2nd Corinthians K. It's as if Paul is looking back. He's making an assessment. And certain things just aren't adding up. After all that Paul has done for this church after all the pain and heartache that he has endured he is looking back and he's thinking something's missing. Okay, something's not right something's lacking. Posey begin to draw a close to this letter he begins to know the number of things that were lacking. Hey a number of things that Justin out of things that didn't make sense last week. We covered the first part of chapter 12 and came across a wonderful promise from the Lord that was given to Paul Paul. I've been given a thorn in the flesh a messenger of Satan to Buffett him and three times Paul prayed to have this Thorn In the Flesh removed with the lawyer responded to Paul telling him that his grace was sufficiently said, my grace is sufficient for you for in For my strength is made perfect in weakness. Paul had learned of the great sufficiency of God's Amazing Grace. It was sufficient for everything that he ever needed in the past. It was sufficient for his current needs and it would be sufficient for everything that he would ever need in the future God's grace is sufficient K and we hit that really hard last week case. It's an important promise and true that we must grass for ourselves as well. But with all this talk about sufficiency. Paul turn his thoughts now at the end of his litter toward the insufficiencies that he had seen within the Church of Corinth and the title or study this morning is insufficiencies in Corinth. They were going to Note 4 different since efficiencies. That's a mouthful insufficiencies that Paul highlights in his assessment of the overall situation in court. So let's dive back into the first portion of our texts this morning with me again verses 11 through 13 Paul writes. I have become a fool and boasting you have compelled me to have been commended by you for nothing was I behind the most eminent Apostles though. I am nothing Julia signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance in signs and wonders in Mighty Deeds for what is it in which you were inferior to other churches accepted. I myself was not burdensome to you. Forgive me. This wrong gate here in this first portion of our texts. We know the first of our four insufficiencies Paul highlights the church in Corinth had a lack of commendation lack of commendation All rights and verse 11 about how he ought to have been commended by the church in Corinth, but there was none and instead Paul was for first. He was compelled to have to boast in himself and it eventually basically play the part of a fool.

You see the moment these false Apostles showed up and started saying stuff about Paul started bringing accusations against Paul the church had the opportunity right then and there to stop them dead in their tracks. They could have said oh no, there is no way what you're saying is true. We know papa gave Paul lived amongst us for 18 months. He cares about is deeply he's giving himself to us over and over again to help us out. He is like a father to us his love for us has been proven over and over again. Get out of here with your lies and your propaganda. But that's not what happened.

They could have said something like that, but they didn't. Instead they gave this group they're here and they allow themselves to be led astray from Paul and let into the lies and these false narratives these false apostles were spreading they ought to have commended Paul to the false Apostles. But instead they allowed themselves to be led into believing the lines and the accusations against Paul. Paul should have been committed by them because as your rights and nothing was I behind the most eminent Apostles now something that Paul's referring to some of the original 12 Apostles hear that Paul thought of himself as being on par with the Twelve Apostles, and then there was wasn't anything that he was lacking in regard to his authority and position as an apostle of the Lord. However, I do not believe that to be the case here. They this is not the first time that Paul has used this reference K earlier in this letter. He made a similar statement back in chapter 11 verse 5. He said for I consider than I am not at all inferior to the most eminent apostles. The phrase most eminent Apostles could refer to the 12 apostles perhaps but it seems more in line with the context that Paul is referring sarcastically towards these false apostle that had made their way into Corinth. The idea here is that Paul is referring to these false Apostles in a sarcastic manner calling them super Apostles. In fact many of the modern-day translations of the English Bible use that exact phrase super Apostles K New International Version NIV gave the English Standard Version the Holman Christian Standard Bible New Living Translation a host of others all translate this phrase as super Apostles day in a seemingly sarcastic way. They the church in Corinth had become so in enamored an end so impressed by these false Apostles with their letters of recommendation and their fancy speeches that Paul sarcastically refers. To them as super Apostles with these guys are so great there super Apostles right until pulsating here then no way. He was he inferior to anyone of these so-called super Apostles Ministry that they were a part of it as evidence of his apostleship and his claim of not being inferior take a look at first 12. Hey Paul a test of the fact that the signs of an apostle were accomplished among them with all perfect perseverance and signs and wonders and mighty dates, you know, Jesus promised that he would be with his disciples when they went out to fulfill the Great Commission day. And after the Lord was received up into heaven Mark chapter 16 tells us that the disciples went out and they preached everywhere and that the Lord was working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs gang in the book of Acts Retreat of how Paul and Barnabas on there. First missionary journey, they spoke boldly in the Lord and how the Lord was bearing witness to the word of his grace granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands Hebrews chapter 2 also speaks of how God bore witness both with signs and wonders with various Miracles and Gifts of the Holy Spirit to confirm the message of salvation. So as God's word went out and was being spread by God's servants God would partner together with them and allows certain signs and wonders to be used as a means to confirm the word that have been shared now. I think it's very important to note here that the emphasis was always upon the word of God and not the signs and wonders there. The word of God was what the disciples and apostles were commissioned to go and deliver to the people the signs and wonders. He that sometimes accompany then we're simply a means to confirm that what they were speaking was from the Lord. We don't want to get too caught up and signs and wonders. We as a church we do believe they Calvary Chapel is characterized ourselves as charismatic Katie. We believe in the gifts of the Spirit that God is the same yesterday. Play today and forevermore that he is perfectly capable of continuing to operate in this like manner. However, we don't want to overemphasize something that was never meant to be the main attraction the main attraction the thing these Servants of the Lord were sent to do was not perform Miracles and signs and wonders K. They were sent out to proclaim the word of God. The word of God was most important the gospel message was what should take Center Stage if you will and I think it's unfortunate that in certain churches that signs and wonders than the seemingly miraculous have taken Center Stage to the neglect of God's word. You see the signs and gifts and wonders are never meant to be more important than the word of God. And so that's why we give such great emphasis to the word of God here at Calvary and we spend a lot of time and I teach for too long and you know, I hold you guys late but the emphasis is the word of God. Okay, we're not going to emphasize things that God didn't emphasize. All right. well back to our text Paul asserts that these signs and wonders in Mighty Deeds. They were all done in their presents K. They witnessed it themselves during the time Paul was there in Corinth there was no denying that the Lord was with Paul and the ballora's moving and in through Paul while he was there in corn speaks of how there was only one thing that was different about the church in Corinth than all the other churches that Paul had started and ministered in and among and that was the fact that Paul did not receive any sort of support from the church in Corinth. Paul was not burdensome to the church in Corinth. Hey, he worked as a tentmaker to help provide for his means and was even supported by some of the other churches in Macedonia while he did Ministry in Corinth. This was the only difference between Corinth in the other church is Paul minister to and again sarcastically Paul declares forgive me this wrong, you know, oh how horrible you were to the church in Corinth Paul, you served among them longer than any other Church previously on your missionary Journeys and you didn't take a single dime from them Paul. You're such a terrible person, right? It's ridiculous to think these people would not celebrate and come in Nepal and all that he had done for and through them. Now before we go any further, I want to look back at the end of verse 11 for there's an important nugget for us all to receive a Paul and speaking of how he wasn't inferior to any of the super Apostles also concluded that he was nothing. Paul knew that he wasn't inferior to any of these so-called super Apostles, but he also realized that he was nothing

Paul Newman all the things that he was able to do and be a part of we're not because of him, but we're simply Works done by the grace of God, you know, what his earlier letter to the church in Corinth Paul wrote but by the grace of God, I am what I am. Okay and his grace toward me was not in vain, but I labored more abundantly than they all yet not I but the grace of God which was with me Paul knew that it was all a work of God's grace. It wasn't about him Paul thought of himself as nothing. Can you thought of himself as actually the least of all the apostles he would write you would say that he was the least of all the saints and then later on he say that he was actually the chiefest of all Sinners K realize that it was all a matter of God's grace. It was by the grace of God that Paul was able to do what he did and it had absolutely nothing to do with him. And absolutely everything to do with God and this is important for us to consider. And remember you see the super Apostles. They were going around proclaiming how great they work and they were telling people about their letters of recommendation and they're letters of commendation super we're so awesome. And then look at our letters K that are valid for how awesome we are. Appalled at the opposite. He said I'm nothing. All I am is a wonderful work of God's grace a trophy of his brace and we must remember that we are the same. We are all simply wonderful works of God's grace trophies of his grace with nothing to boast in and of ourselves because we are all a work of God's grace. Well, let's continue will see what other sort of insufficiency Paul notes in the church at Corinth Paul Rice and verses 14 and 15. Is this now for the third time I'm ready to come to you and I will not be burdensome to you for I do not seek yours, but you for the children. Not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children and I will very gladly spend and be spent for your souls know the more abundantly. I love you the less I am loved. Pyrenees vs. We see an overall lack of appreciation in the church there at Corinth look again at the end of verse 15 Paula test the more abundantly. I love you the less. I am loved the church in Corinth did not appreciate all the love that Paul had poured out towards them Paul mentions how he is prepared and and ready to come to the church in Corinth for the third time and he promises yet again to not be a burden to them to not take any support from them. Now. The city of Corinth was a vast city of trade and commerce. It was a city of great riches and the church in Corinth is believed to have been a very wealthy community in some like the super Apostles. We're coming around trying to take advantage of the church there in Corinth Paul already told us back in chapter 11 of how the Corinthians were putting up with these false apostles who are bringing them into bondage. They were devouring them. That word it it speaks of cheating them today and they were taking from them. Basically they were charging. Hey you want us to come we look at these letters of recommendation, you know, we don't come cheap and and they were cheating them taking advantage of them. But Paul was the complete opposite anyone to think that he was there for their money. He didn't want their things. He wanted them. You didn't want to take from them but to give to them. Paul used a very common analogy that we can all relate to in order to explain himself and explain why he would not take support from them. He writes for the children not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children, we know this day we don't go to our kids and ask them to help us out to our kids and expect them to provide for us. You know, I don't go Hayden. I'm a little short on rent this month. Could you you know, kick me over some of your break open the piggy bank.

As parents we are the one that provides for our kids. We are the ones that take care of them and make sure they have everything. They need not the other way around you keep all seasons self is the spiritual father to the church in Corinth. He was the one that started this church. He stayed with them. He nurtured them in the word. He taught them the scriptures and what it meant to be a follower of Christ give you the church has his very own children and it isn't the responsibility of the children to provide for the parent but the parent to provide for the children and so Paul will not receive from them any sort of support that he would be very gladly spend and be spent for their souls. You see Paul wasn't after their stuff but after their souls day, he wanted to make sure each and every one of their souls have been given over to the lordship of Jesus Christ and that is what was most important to him. He wanted to see his children walk with the Lord to have their souls saved from the penalty of Since he would gladly spend in his to all of his time all of his resources all of his energy, he would be spent to give himself completely and without holding anything back just to see them with the Lord. and I do believe and I hope but this is the heart of every Christian parent. Going off until my boys looking at I don't care so much about what profession you want to chase after can you want to do this? When you do that? That's great. That's wonderful. Listen, as long as you're walking with the lore. Okay. That's what's most important you walk with the Lord hate you want to be you know, a businessman walk with the Lord as a businessman. Can you want to be a military you walk with the Lord as realtor you want to you know, whenever you want to be right now. It's more like the video game developer and okay, I'll walk with the Lord and be a videogame developer.

Paul is willing to do whatever it took to see his children walking with the Lord and reminds me of what John wrote in 3rd John. He wrote. I have no Greater Joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

Mom Dad I need to ask you how's that going for you? Or are you like Paul? Are you like John is your greatest joy and desire to see your kids walk in truth to walk with the Lord. What sort of example are you setting for them? How are you leading them in the things of the Lord how have you made your walk with the Lord something attractive to your own children to make them actually desire that I want what Mom has I want what Dad has

it's not easy. I know trust me when I say the Lord speaking to me prior to me sharing this with you.

I want my kids to walk with the Lord so desperately but to what extent am I willing to go in order to do all I can to prepare them to make that decision for themselves?

Like gladly spend and be spent give whatever it takes. I pray I will and I pray that same for the rest of you who are parents K&N biological parents and spiritual parents. Some of you may not have biological children, but God is giving you some spiritual children to love on and to nurture and pour into

Now before we move on to the next section, I want to pause here and state that this problem of a lack of appreciation is something that can easily creep into any church not just the church in Corinth. It's easy to take for granted the work and service that others give for you and we need to be sure that we show our appreciation from time to time that we acknowledge the efforts of those who serve us on a regular basis. Listen, we've got here at the church people that are volunteering to be shut up in a small room filled with a dozen or more of your kids for 45 minutes to an hour and a half if anybody deserves appreciation, it's right that we need to show that But this just isn't about the ministry. Hey, there are people that serve you all the time day in and day out mom's dance husbands wives teachers doctors Chaplin Escape babysitters. There are plenty of people in your life who serve you and care for you and yours always showing our appreciation to those people. You're my wife Vera bless her and shower her with his grace. She's serves our family relentlessly and and selfless the day after day notice last week. There was a a little bit of a stomach bug that was going to pass around our house multiple kids throwing up diarrhea and it was a mess and fair was scrubbing carpets washing bedding cleaning up vomit a couple days into it. She started to feel sick herself and there and the rest of us.

You're one of the kids, did something about the house falling apart and how we were all probably going to die.

And that's when we informed her that she's not allowed to get sick. It's at the household rule. We all agreed upon game. Mom cannot get sick.

You seriously though? Some of you have a spouse that stay home all day with the kids so you can go out and earn a living they cook for you. They clean for you that you pretty much everything for you. How are we showing our appreciation for those that serve us for those that love us for those who are willing to spend and be spent for us. Let's make sure that we aren't like the hey, let's make sure that we show some appreciation to those who've given of themselves for us. Go back to our texts so far we've noted to of the insufficiencies in Corinth the lack of commendation and a lack of appreciation. Let's look at our next section verses 16 through 18 in another insufficiency there in Corinth / 16, but be that as it may I did not burden you never the last being crafty. I caught you by cunning did I take advantage of you by any of those whom I sent to you? I heard Titus and send our brother with him. The Titus take advantage of you. Do we not Walk In The Same Spirit did not walk in the same steps here in these vs. We see a lack of evidence evidence. Let me explain you see the church in Corinth was allowing themselves to entertain certain lies and accusations about Paul that simply weren't true and verse 16 when it says nevertheless being crafty. I caught you by cunning. Hey Paul is not admitting to some nefarious wrongdoing anywhere by he tricked the church know this was one of the accusation. That was being brought against Paul. Hey Paul, didn't take your money. He's just really he's setting you up for an even bigger. Take watch out. He's cunning. He's crafty. He's going to you're not even going to see it. And then he's going to rob you blind can't you can't trust him. That was a sort of accusation that was being spread around by these false Apostles. They were seeing that Paul was crafty Pacer that he was skilled in the art of deception that he was cunning deceitful that he could not be trusted to its Paul basically replies with four questions seeking evidence of such accusations. He has any of those whom I sent to you the answer is no of course not Did Titus take advantage of you again? There was no evidence of such a thing. Do we not walk in the same spirit? And we not walk in the same steps. Our actions were the same our hearts were the same neither myself nor anyone I sent to you is taken advantage of you. None of them taking anything from you. We've all walked in the same manner. Where is the evidence of these things? How is it the church in Corinth was so easily swayed by these lies and false accusations what sort of proof or evidence to be super Apostles give in support of their claims. There was none. You know what's been said No, Lie can travel Halfway Around the World while the truth is still putting on his shoes.

And it's unfortunate that a lot of lies and a lot of gossip and a lot of Miss representations are spread within the church community. Unfortunately, there have been several times where problems have popped up within the church based upon things that aren't supported by the facts. things there simply are no evidence for If you hear something about someone. Go to that person. Verify. Hey I heard that. You know, you said this about me, is that true?

Don't listen to hear say or gossip or slander. The Bible is full of all sorts of exhortation to have nothing to do with spreading rumors, gossip and slander gave her to have nothing to do with it. If you just chapter 4 verse 29 declares. Let not let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth. But what is good for necessary edification that it may impart grace to the hearers James and does not Bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart. This one's religion is useless. Proverbs tells us whatever Hines hate their hatred has lying lips and whoever spreads slander is a fool. Sweet Solace David teaches us to keep our tongues from Evil and our lips from speaking deceit. Someone tells you something about another person go to that person and verify it for yourself. It could be that the person telling you either Miss heard or misinterpreting or heard something out of context or they could be lying themselves. Don't take part in slander and gossip and rumors verified things that have been shared with you. Make sure you have the facts before you speak and before you make judgments. The church in Corinth had no evidence whatsoever of any wrongdoing that Paul had done but yet they were willing to entertain spread all sorts of false accusations against Paul. It is such a sad commentary of the church in Corinth was so willing to receive slander and false accusations with no evidence. Against the man who had committed his life to seeing them blessed to seeing them walk close with the Lord. It is a tragedy. Let's take a look at this final section will make one more observation about the insufficiencies in Corinth 3 verses 19 through 21 with me Paul Rides Again. Do you think that we excuse ourselves to you? We speak before God in Christ, but we do all things eleven for your edification for I fear lest when I come I shall not find you such as I wish and that I shall be found by you such as you do not wish Let There Be contentions jealousies outbursts of Wrath selfish Ambitions back bitting's whispering conceits to move less when I come again. My God will humble me among you and I shall mourn for many who have sinned before and have not repented of the uncleanness fornication and lewdness which they have practice in this last section. We see here that there was a lack of repentance K alack of repentance among those door that were there in the Chikurin Paul fears that when he comes he will not find the church as he wishes. What was his wish for them? It was that they would repent of their sins Danvers 21 Paul speaks about his fear of coming in and being humbled and having them more and because those have sinned that I've sent have not repented it would humble Paul and that it would bring him very low it would sadden him to see that the church had not responded to his call to repentance. It would grieve Paul if you were to show up and find unrepentance in the hearts in their hearts and in their lives would cause him to more you're not word more and was especially used in connection to deep laments of sadness over those who perished

You know Paul knew the seriousness of unrepentant sin. Sin leads to death. The wages of sin is death according to Romans chapter 6 verse 23 and if those in Corinth would continue to live and unrepentant sin. It could very well bring death upon them. Ananias and Sapphira are the classics classic example of this and Acts chapter 5. They lying to the Holy Spirit they sinned against the Lord and their very lives were taken from them. Sim Sim is serious. It is not something that is to be played around with it is not something that we can dabble with a little on the side and think that it will not impact Our Lives.

It brings death and it separates us from the Lord and it separates us from the Lord's people. Paul wants the church in Corinth to know that he isn't writing to them simply to explain themselves to the church in Corinth is if they had to prove something to them know they wrote for the benefit of the church say they had a clear conscience before God. He's in a we speak for God God knows right? We're not riding them because we feel like we have to give this great defense for ourselves. You see everything they did was at the church in Corinth would break free from the bondage. They were bringing brought on in to buy these false super Apostles and that they would return to the Lord. That was Paul's heart for them. You could probably care less about the accusations of some false Apostles, but when it started to impact the health and the well-being of those within the church, he sought to address the issues. So as to protect the church Paul didn't want to come and have to bring the hammer. So to say okay, that's what's basically meant when he writes about how he may be found. Not as the church in Corinth wishes. He's like, I don't want to come in and find you as I don't wish you wanted them to be repented didn't want to find them unrepentant and he says if I do find you that way then you're probably going to find me a way that you don't want that. You don't wish either he's saying I'm going to come and I'm going to deal with this scent.

Holden wants a half to be harsh with them. But he also wasn't going to allow send to simply be swept under the rug. He's going to deal with it. Call list. A number of sins that he hopes not to find in Corinth. These are sins that go hand-in-hand with a divisive body contentions jealousies outbursts of Wrath. Selfish Ambitions back Guardians. Whisperings conceits. Tumulty's are all things that come when a body is divided against one another with these aren't the only sends that we're going on in Corinth uncleanness fornication. And Loomis were also rampant things that Paul had addressed in the first letter to the Church of Corinth. Is he Sam when not properly dealt with it tends to find its way back into our lives?

We must confess our sins to the Lord and pray for the grace to keep us from sin pray for God to give you a hunger for him. And as we draw close to the Lord He will draw close to us. And the closer that we are with the Lord the less likely will be drawn away and enticed by our old sent you see the answer is not try harder to stop sending a lot of people trying that's okay. I've got this and I always struggle with and I'm constantly thinking about this since I'm going to try hard time going to try. What are you thinking about? You thinking about that? I think about the Lord. Draw close to the Lord consume your time with the Lord don't allow yourself even wondering to go to these other areas fill yourself with him. Siri answers not try harder where Sinners were going to send but victories found in price drop close to him spend time with him in prayer spend time with him in his word develop a strong relationship with him and allow him to lead you into guide you you see it's when we start to drift away from the Lord that we become more susceptible to send. Stick close to the Lord abide in Christ, and he will abide in you for Jesus declares. I am the vine you are the branches he who abides in me and I in him Bears much fruit for without me. You can do nothing without Christ. We can do nothing without Christ. We are powerless. but with him scriptures that test that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Amen. Amen. Let's pray father. We thank you for your work. And Lord as we look at this church in Corinth and we see and note some of the things that just were lacking things that were breaking Paul's heart. No doubt a lack of commendation a lack of appreciation a lack of evidence towards these accusations that have been brought Florida a life of repentance. Learn my prayer is that those things would not describe us. That we would not be like the church in Corinth in this manner. Lord that we would appreciate those who serve us those who love us those who are willing to spend and be spent for us. Hard give us even right now. Just those people that you've placed on our heart right now just a way to to bless them Lord that we might be able to just celebrate them and thank them for all that they do. Lord I pray that we would be a people. Who are repentant? A people who take sin seriously like you do.

And what I do ask that. by your grace

in our weakness that your strength would be made perfected in us that we might overcome and we might know what it is like to to walk with you free from

that the guilt of unconfessed unrepentant sin. What are there something in our hearts right now that we've been dabbling with Lord. I pray that we would just lay that before you confess that to you and our hearts right now on our mind and Lord that we would just ask for forgiveness. We would ask for your grace to shower us. Plus I pray all these your children. Continue to speak to us throughout the day in the week to come. They asked us all in Jesus name. Amen.

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